The Problem
Our Process


The Solution

Quit Coach Sign Up UX Improvements
The previous quit coach signup form had a low conversion rate* when counting all clicks to call, email and visits to quit service providers.
We designed a new form using a marketing automation tool, Active Campaign, to automatically send the form submission details to the service providers.
This removed multiple steps for people looking for a quit coach, resulting in a +495% lift in conversion rate
*Specific conversion rate data not supplied due to privacy
Increasing Video Engagement by 33% through Free Internet
The inline zero rated design* was chosen to educate users in the most unobtrusive way possible (compared to a banner or popup).
We changed the design so the video titles were clear why someone should watch, increasing video engagement.
*Zero-rating is a technique where internet service providers (ISPs) allow consumers to utilize a specific website without charging their internet data plan.
Google Analytics Insights
The new design drove 5x the amount of traffic to the /switch-vaping page. Clicks to Vaping Facts increased by +57% and referrals to improved.
Analytics showed that the new vaping-to-quit-smoking page has a lower bounce rate, higher time on page and is relevant to the context of vaping to quit smoking.

SEO Results
We implemented schema markup and canonical tags from to increase search engine traffic.
The results: A +49% increase in organic traffic when comparing Year on Year in March.